
PhD Level Courses (Tinbergen Institute)

2015: Macroeconomics 1 (TA Professor Bruegemann)

Master Level Courses (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

2020: Introduction to Econometrics (TA for Professor Dobbelaere), Evaluation 4.3/5
2020: Applied Econometrics (TA for Professor Dobbelaere), Evaluation 4.1/5

Bachelor Level Courses (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

2022: Macroeconomics I (TA for Professor Bruegemann), Evaluation 4.9/5
2018-2020: Macroeconomics I (TA for Professor Bartelsman), Evaluation 3.5/5
2018-2020: Foundations of Macroeconomics (TA for Professor Zant), Evaluation 4.1/5
2018-2020: Inclusive Growth and Sustainability (TA for Professor Hoefkes and Professor Lanjouw), Evaluation 4.25/5

Thesis Supervision

2020: Economics Bachelor Thesis: “Does Foreign Direct Investment Promote Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa? Insights from Sectoral Decomposition”
2020: Economics Master Thesis: “Impact of Chinese FDI on Debt and Imports from China” and “The Effect of Educational Inequality on Income Inequality”
2020: Economics Bachelor Thesis: “The Relationship between Charity Advertisements and Misconceptions about Low-Income Countries”
2019: Economics Master Thesis: “Reassessing the Impact of Inequality on Economic Growth”